Ice Tea

The sun has finally come to Belgium! The time has come to make all sorts of wonderful summer dishes, like tzatziki, gazpacho… and to drink all sorts of ice cold refreshments. When I have time, I love to make my own ice tea from green Thé du Hammam (Palais des Thés, see this post). When I don’t have time, I love Exki’s green iced tea with fresh mint. And recently I’ve found a new way to stock up the refrigerator: Lipton T Fusions. This new kind of Green Tea mix is celebrating its birthday and giving away ten flower bouquets every day. I got some wonderful flowers and some of the green tea to sample! There are three kinds of Lipton T Fusions: green tea with raspberry/pomegranate, green tea with honey and green tea with peach/pear. The green tea with honey is my personal favorite, followed by raspberry/pomegranate. A nice refreshment on a hot summery day! The flowers are still being handed out until Sunday, you can enter the game here.

Lipton T Fusions


If you do have the time for homemade iced tea, here’s my Exki-inspired recipe:

Good green tea like Thé du Hammam
fresh mint sprigs

Make hot water (don’t let it boil, 70 degrees Celsius is enough) and combine with the green tea in a big bowl. Add honey to taste (don’t oversweeten it! I don’t like it too sweet and you can always make it sweeter later). When it cools down, add mint, some lemon parts and put it in the fridge for some nice cold iced tea… Enjoy!

lipton t flowers


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